Palestine |
Code of Ordinances |
Division 2. FRANCHISE |
§ 42-36. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Ambulance means every motor vehicle used, designed or redesigned for the transportation of sick or injured persons under emergency conditions.
Ambulance operator means the person holding an ambulance and transfer vehicle franchise under this division.
Auxiliary ambulance service means emergency service or transfer service provided pursuant to an agreement with an existing franchise holder.
Emergency ambulance means an ambulance used, designed or redesigned for the purpose of transporting the sick or injured, the rendering of first aid or the performance of rescue work while the vehicle is being operated under emergency circumstances.
Emergency circumstances means the existence of circumstances in which the element of time in transporting the sick or injured for medical treatment is essential to the health or life of such person.
Emergency service means the emergency ambulance trip to the place of emergency, the rendering of reasonable first aid and assistance and the trip to the hospital or doctor's office.
Transfer service means the transfer vehicle trip to the place of pickup of sick or injured persons; the rendering of reasonable first aid and assistance, if required; and the trip to the hospital, doctor's office or other places not under emergency conditions and the transportation of dead bodies under emergency conditions.
Transfer vehicle means every motor vehicle used, designed or redesigned for the transportation of sick or injured persons under conditions other than emergency conditions.
(Code 1968, § 5½-1; Ord. No. O-01-16 , § I, 1-25-2016)
Cross reference
Definitions generally, § 1-2.