§ 40-172. General principles of street system layout.
The developer shall locate and align streets to conform to the comprehensive plan of the city. Streets shall be designated and designed according to their expected traffic capacity and function (see Figure 40-4).
Classification of street system. The roadways within the city are classified according to the type of service and the expected traffic capacity to be provided. Each roadway classification has its own general design criteria and primary function. These functional classifications are used in subsection (c) of this section in describing the official city map and standards for construction, design and right-of-way dedication (refer to subsection (e) of this section). Table 40-4 provides a summary of street volume operating ranges by street classification.
Official city map. The official city map and any amendments thereto, adopted by the city council as a part of the comprehensive plan, is hereby made a part of this chapter. The map is the basis for all decisions regarding classification, reservation or dedication of rights-of-way which may be required in other sections of this chapter.
TABLE 40-4
FUNCTIONAL DESIGN CAPACITY OF STREETSStreet Classification Approximate Operating Volume Range
(Average Annual Daily Traffic)Arterial (A-1, A-2) 10,000—30,000 AADT Collector (C-1) 2,000—10,000 AADT Local Commercial (LC-1) 2,000—5,000 AADT Residential (R-1, R-2) 500—2,000 AADT (d)
Construction and design standards. All roads, sidewalks, parking lots or other required paving shall conform to the construction and design standards of the city. These standards are adopted by reference in sections 40-184 and 40-185.
Dedication of street rights-of-way.
The dedication and/or reservation for acquisition of pedestrian and/or vehicular rights-of-way shall be required of owners or developers of properties. This is necessary and desirable to lessen or control the impact upon the transportation system created by development.
Street right-of-way widths shall meet the requirements established in Table 40-6. Minimum required right-of-way shall be determined by the functional classification of the street as shown on the official street map and the adopted transportation plan.
Required street right-of-way shall be either dedicated by plat or deed to the city or the anticipated right-of-way area shall be reserved for future acquisition. If reserved for future acquisition, no physical improvements such as buildings, parking lots, landscaping or stormwater retention facilities shall be allowed within the area so reserved. All setbacks shall be calculated from the anticipated right-of-way line.
(Ord. No. O-42-07, § I, 9-24-2007)